Entrants for this competition are called upon to submit newsstand designs that address:
a) making a small-scale architectural impact on the streetscape
b) the positive effects of community business on residents
c) the decline of demand for print media
The registration deadline is October 1, 2005, and the submission deadline is November 1, 2005. Finalists will be announced on February 1, 2006. The fee to enter is $35 for professionals; $15 for students. The jury is yet to be determined.
For more information please visit:
And to get the full competition brief please write to
Thursday 22 September 2005
International Design Competition on 'News Stand'
on Thursday 22 September 2005 - 14:32:40 | by admin
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International Design Competition on for 'Tsunami Memorial'
on Thursday 22 September 2005 - 14:15:17 | by admin
The Government of Thailand has selected a site in the Khao Lak - Lamru National Park in Phangnga Province, on the hardest hit area in Thailand, to build a Tsunami Memorial as a permanent tribute to those who lost their lives.
The Tsunami Memorial will be created through a two-stage international design competition. Stage I is conceptual design which is open to professional architects, designers, artists and laypersons. A jury consisting of prominent design professional from Thailand and other countries will select finalists, who will then be invited to further develop their concept in Stage II of the competition. A second jury will review these designs and recommend the best design for submitting to the Government of Thailand in May 2006.
For more information regarding this competion please visit
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ARCH[itecture]SOCIETY Delares a partnership collaboration with the Discourse98
on Thursday 22 September 2005 - 13:29:13 | by admin
ARCH[itecture]SOCIETY is declaring it’s partnership collaboration with the Discourse98 to go on the journey of creating a strong community of architecture students and architects on the web.
Discourse98 is a non-profit organization founded and being maintained by Tania Karim- N. R. Khan & Architects. Discourse98 arranges weekly gathering and discussion on different aspects of contemporary architecture with the architects and architecture students of Dhaka. Discourse98 maintains a membership system and anyone can join there, interested persons just have to send an email to discourse98©yahoo.com writing his/her particulars (personal, academic or professional information).
An official website of Discourse98 is coming soon. And ARCH[itecture]SOCIETY is going to develop and maintain it. ARCH[itecture]SOCIETY also declares members and contribution sharing with Discourse98.
Discourse98 is a non-profit organization founded and being maintained by Tania Karim- N. R. Khan & Architects. Discourse98 arranges weekly gathering and discussion on different aspects of contemporary architecture with the architects and architecture students of Dhaka. Discourse98 maintains a membership system and anyone can join there, interested persons just have to send an email to discourse98©yahoo.com writing his/her particulars (personal, academic or professional information).
An official website of Discourse98 is coming soon. And ARCH[itecture]SOCIETY is going to develop and maintain it. ARCH[itecture]SOCIETY also declares members and contribution sharing with Discourse98.