Discourse is a physical discussion project organized by Architect Nurur Rahman Khan (jumu).
Discourse meets with it's members per week, and Discourse discusses and studies on diffrent aspects of contemporary architecture.
ARCH[itecture]SOCIETY previously declared it's collaboration with Discourse. And now the official website of Discourse is being developed by the ARCH[itecture]SOCIETY team. Keep a look and pass your comments on the development of
For reference, here is the physical address of Discourse Secretariat
Tania Karim -NR Khan and Associates, (Discourse Secretariat), H#35, Apt# C1, R#28 (old), 15 (new), Dhanmondi, Dhaka.
discourse98.com(beta) has been launched
on Monday 10 October 2005 - 13:12:43 | by admin
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