Passive House: Architecture Award 2010

on Friday 22 January 2010 - 19:21:39 | by admin
Passive House: Architecture Award 2010
Means of sustainable development have different means! Often we look at the issue with an easier to look at way, the way of ‘design by (so called) green elements’ which sometimes lead us to nothing but some mediocre design with a black solar panel hat.

The more intelligent way of sustainable development of architecture is the passive way. Where from the basic design to the construction process everything is intended to incorporate with the climate and environment, and gradually the design process leads us to a practically sustainable solution with passive cooling, passive heating, passive air-flow and energy system.

If you think your design (something already built) achieves these issues of passive design there’s an opportunity to submit your work and win the Architecture Award 2010: Passive House. Your project may be of any building type and may be situated anywhere in the world.

The deadline of the submission is 1st March 2009 (submission is NOT online, you’ll need to send it via postage mail, so count the time of postal delay).
Visit: Passivhaus website to know more.
Download all the submission documents HERE.
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