ArchSociety Privacy Policy
(Please read this page thoroughly before you register and also read the Forum Rules and Code of Ethics)
Short Sweet and Easy:
Short Sweet and Easy:
- We do not send advertisements or spam to user's email. And you can always unsubscribe from our mailing list or cancel your membership by sending a request email to mail©
- We do not sell your information to any third party at any circumstances, however be aware about the information you must share in public to be a member of by default (explained bellow).
- We have no responsibility or concern regarding privacy and security about any of our official 'Social Networks' hosted by third parties (such as: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus etc.). Privacy and Security issues of Social Networking services are set by the respective service providers.
Further Details:
By signing up (registering an account) you agree to these policies:
1. The information you must share in public:
For a better professional communication and understanding ArchSociety asks to share some basic information in public (anyone can read them, and might be available in search engines). Those are:
- Your Name
- The name of your country (as you fill in the form)
- The name of the university/college you attend or attended
- Your profession (student / architect / planner / student or professional in a related discipline / fan of architecture / general visitor ).
Rest of the information is not mandatory to share in public. Either you may share them or you may ‘hide’ them or may not write them.
2. The information anyone (including search engines) may know about you:
- Your ‘membership rating’
- The date and time of your last login to ArchSociety
- The date and time you joined in ArchSociety
- The number of posts (including forum posts, comments or chat box posts) you made till now.
- And other information if you provide (only if you write those information): your photo, your forum signature, miscellaneous information like: about you, what inspires you in architecture etc.
- Whatever you write in the Forum, Comment boxes and Chat boxes are OPEN and VISIBLE to public (and search engines may crawl and index your posts you make).
Exceptions: The data of ‘Class Restricted Contents’ (Class restricted forums or other contents which may be for a specific language, regional, institutional or administrative group) are not visible to others unless he/she is authorized by class to see it.
3. The extra information ‘Logged in Members’ may know about you:
- List of all the posts you made in the forum
- List of all the comments you made throughout the site
- Your online status
4. The extra information ‘ArchSociety Officials’ may know and can do about you:
- The ArchSociety officials may see the information you wrote in the registration form but made them ‘hidden’ for public and other members.
(Such as, they may know your email address even if you have hidden it from others).
- ArchSociety Officials may know your IP Address for security reasons. And they may track any other information that is publicly available through your IP Address (your tentative location, ISP etc.) only if by any chance they think you are a security threat to the website (without warning you beforehand).
- Only assigned ArchSociety Officials may track your activities while you are logged in (the length of your visit, pages you visit, the contents you post or upload, the contents you download etc.). We use both ‘Session’ and ‘cookie’ to track and control your activities.
- ArchSociety Officials may know about your ‘failed login attempts’ (assuming your provided username or IP Address during your login attempts). Often we take actions to help you by this information.
- Assigned officials may edit and even delete your posts. They may ban your account and your IP as per the ArchSociety Forum Rules and ArchSociety Code of Ethics.
5. The information NO one (not even the officials or webmasters) may know about you:
- Your password (passwords are encrypted in the database just when you register). Absolutely NO ONE can read or see it. (But the Chief Webmaster can ‘change’ your password manually upon your personal request in special cases)
- Your PMs (Private/personal messages) to or from other members. Absolutely NO ONE can read or see your incoming or outgoing PMs.