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Dormitory Design for university students: need help
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Tue Feb 20 2007, 06:35pm
Registered Member #472 Joined: Wed Feb 14 2007, 04:01pm
: Tokyo
Posts: 3
Hi Himel.I really appreciate the way you expressed the design strategy.
About Columns : you didn't mention the structural it RCC Rahmen or Steel frame structure?if it's RCC,then how about the column-span? In Japan we use the maximum column-span of 10 meter or sometimes 12m~15m by using Expansion this case the total number of columns can be considerably reduced,but you should be careful about most of the typical cases Economy span(6m~8m) is used for residential facilities.area of Cross-section(column)=minimum 1/15 th of span. Beam depth=1/12~1/10 th of span.i think it will be little different in your country.plz check it in your building codes.
About Vertical linkage :
for these kinda facilities,circulations both vertical(elevators,stairs) and horizontal(corridors) should be considered as a prior criteria to generate the whole building mass,not only the room-placing or common spaces' zoning.see! and that is not much clearly shown in your diagrams.
I'm sure that you have thought about all these stuffs,as your design shows that mastery.just waiting to see the next phase of the of luck.
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Wed Feb 21 2007, 03:26am
Registered Member #294 Joined: Mon Oct 16 2006, 05:10pm
: Dhaka
Posts: 310
Thanks Mr. Zoha. I have not done structure course yet. I want to make this structure of concrete. Collumns distance are 30 feet by 10 feet. And collumns size are 20x20 inches.

The problems are now:

1. Too many numbers of elements on elevation. I have to reduce this and make a simple form like stair.

2. dinning, lounge and other facilities in corridors are become narrower shape which does not go with the mass. So i have to make them a good rectangular shape. I think this is the most hard part of this design cause my mass looks like stair.
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Wed Feb 21 2007, 07:03am
Registered Member #430 Joined: Sat Jan 06 2007, 09:30pm
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you did a great job breaking the monotony of the veranda and the symmetry, the new masses look much more fun now and some shaded verandas look more private than others, which is great
if this is for architecture students only then maybe you need to have more than what a normal dorm has. it should be easier for you to anticipate what architecture students want since you are one. speaking for myself, you could have a model building area that is well ventilated, maybe on a veranda that can be covered in winter. my peers who live in dorms often have problems studying in the dorm because they dont have seperate places than the normal studies where they dont want to smell like glue.
another thing is that architecture students probably waste more paper than any other profession. you could just leave it to the administration to leave recycling boxes or you could make a small unit for storing unused products to reuse them in the building.
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Wed Feb 21 2007, 08:41am
Registered Member #294 Joined: Mon Oct 16 2006, 05:10pm
: Dhaka
Posts: 310
etipuf, the hollow cube on veranda you r seeing are studios for modelling. 4 rooms share 1 studio. But teacher said its too much and looks clumsy. So i have to reduce number of studios. And thanks for the suggestion of recycle.
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Sat Feb 24 2007, 07:06am
Registered Member #472 Joined: Wed Feb 14 2007, 04:01pm
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wou..!!you are really workin' hard on it.Cool !
it seems to me that you have designed the structural skeleton first and then trying to inject the functional units into that spatial-volume,which is already articulated. hmm...yea,it might be a design process,but i think(never mind,may be i'm wrong),this is the reason behind the problems you're facing now.translation of concepts into built reality is a very complex process,and it differs person to person.
1)your previous mass seemed quite interesting to me.I thought you are gonna solve the building in "Programme matrix enclosed by Outer skin" or "Vector and Envelop"strategy ; probably u are not thinkin' about 2-d facad treatment, that means you do care about the 3-d character of buildings.but your last post shows that you've changed your mind !!
2)you are using 3-d soft as your design tool(not just as a presentation kit),wright? then you'll get some extra privilege to simulate your ideas,so why don't study the phases before application of cladding,like an X-ray of the whole programme-mass(not the building mass) : the movement vectors,the interior concrete skin etc?this approach,I think,will give you the opportunity to generate your expected form.
and at the last phase of your design,think about the structure.
anyway,talked a lot.i'll be wondered if it helps you.carry on.
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Sat Feb 24 2007, 11:55am
Registered Member #294 Joined: Mon Oct 16 2006, 05:10pm
: Dhaka
Posts: 310
what is Programme matrix enclosed by Outer skin" or "Vector and Envelop"strategy ;?
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Sat Feb 24 2007, 04:44pm
Registered Member #26 Joined: Mon Nov 28 2005, 05:52pm
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i think the total development of himel is going very right direction. Enjoyed the discussion too wish himel get a very good grad is this studio submission.

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Sun Mar 04 2007, 10:43pm
Admin Registered Member #4 Joined: Thu Aug 04 2005, 04:54am
: Dhaka
Posts: 666
Be careful about one thing, that is 'equal facility' for everyone... If I pay the same money for an accommodation here why another student will get a better place with better light, air, ventilation, terraces etc? Keep this point in mind, it is mandatory for while designing dormitories. Try to provide equal facility for everyone. It will be tough, anyway that's the challenge of this game Edited Tue Mar 06 2007, 08:27am
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