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UAP, B. Arch. Syllebus.Title and Synopsis of Each Lecture Course, Design Studio and sessional course
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Fri Oct 06 2006, 02:33pm Print
First Year First Semester

Studio Sessional courses
Arch 102: Design Studio I
9hours/week: 4.5 credits.

Recognizing the underlying order of environment and nature through the principles of basic composition. Understanding the merit of exploring alternative ways of attacking a problem. Exercises in two dimensional composition in various media. Basic compositions with different elements of form, such as, points, straight and curved lines and geometric shapes. Study of order and balance, proportion, solid void relationship, symmetry, flexibility, harmony and shade shadow through composition. Rhythm harmony and other compositional details. Relevance of these in the overall context of art architecture and

Arch 112: Architectural Graphics I
6hours/week: 3.0 credits

Understanding the purpose of graphics as artistic and technical tool. Lettering and graphic presentation symbols. Multi view drawings such as plan, section and elevation. Para line drawings such as isometric, axonometric etc. Understanding the comparative merits of different ways of presentation.

CstI00: Computer skills
4hours/week: 3.0 credits

Basic orientation of computer application environment. Computer fundamentals and basic concepts. introduction to operating systems such as DOS and Windows. Introduction to software like MS Word, MS Excel and Power point. Simple Maintenance aspects.

Theory Courses

HssI0I: English I oral and Written Communication Skills
3 hours/week: 3.0 credits

The aim would be to develop ability to conduct quality conversation and other communicative expressions in real life situations, both professional and personal. Basic items would include the use of articles, numbers, tense, modal verbs, pronouns, punctuation, sentence & question formation, transformation of sentence.

Hss III: Bangladesh Studies society and Culture
2 hours/week: 2.0 credits

The aim would be to develop a tendency of seeing social factors in perspective, rather than in isolated manner, Main items would include primary concepts, mode of production, factors of social life, social structure and process, social institutions, culture and civilization, city and country, social change, problems of society and social problems of Bangladesh. Current aspects of Bangladesh society including urbanization and evolution of social control will be discussed.

Phyl0l: Physics Mechanics, Properties of matter, Waves, Optics, Heat &Thermodynamics
3hours/week: 3.0 credits

Mechanics: Motion in one Dimension, Motion in a Plane, Particle Dynamics, Work & Energy, Circular Motion, Simple Harmonic Motion, Rotation of Rigid bodies, Central Force, Structure of Matter, Mechanical Properties of Materials. Properties of Matter: Elasticity, Stresses & Strains, Young's Bulk& Rigidity Modulus, Elastic Limit, Poisson's Ratio, Relation between Elastic Constants, Bending in Beams. Fluid motion, Equation of Continuity, Bernoulli's theorem, Viscosity, Strokes' Law. Surface Energy & Surface Tension, Capillarity, Determination of Surface tension by Different Methods. Waves: Wave Motion and Propagation, Simple Harmonic Motion, Vibration Modes, Forced Vibration, Vibration in Strings and columns, Sound waves and its velocity, Doppler Effect, Elastic waves, Ultrasonic, Practical Applications. Optics: Theories of light, Electromagnetic Waves, Velocity of light, Reflection, Refraction, Lenses, Interference, Diffraction, Polarization. Heat and Thermal Expansion, First Law of Thermodynamics, Specific Heat, Heat Capacities, Equation of state, Change of Phase, Heat Transfer, Second law of Thermodynamics, Efficiency, Entropy, Kinetic Theory of Gases.

Arch14I: History of Architecture I Ancient Period.
2hour/week: 2.0 credits

Dwellings as a natural human phenomenon. Evolution of architecture through the times. Understanding the impact of economic, political, social, cultural and religious factors on architecture with subsequent study of early civilizations, such as, ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia etc. Comparative study with examples from Aegean, Greek, Etruscan and Roman Architecture. Analyzing the events in a chronological structure. Cross influences.

Arch 151: Aesthetics and Design
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

The concept of aesthetics and its purpose. The role of aesthetics in the creative process. Relationship between art and design. Theories of design. Process and methodology of design and its existence as a non verbal language structured in a basic grammar of composition. Stylistic developments,

First year Second semester

Studio / Sessional courses

Arch 104: Design Studio II
9hours/week: 4.5credits

Understanding the articulation of form and space as basic compositional fundamentals. Elements of forms and spaces and their different aspects, Introduction to scale and proportion. Layering and sequence of space, solids and voids, transparency and opacity, Introduction to color and texture. Multi layer analysis of compositions of different media and finding three dimensional expressions through application of basic ordering principles. Introduction to elementary architectural spaces.

Arch 114: Architecture Graphics II
6 hours/week: 3.0 credits

Understanding the basic principles of shade and shadow Introduction to perspective as an architectural presentation technique. Understanding the
fundamentals of perspective and shade shadow through three dimensional studies of mass models. Perspectives and proportions.

Arch 124: Computer Graphics
3 hours/week: 2.0 credits

Computer graphics and its basics. Basic ideas about graphical software. 2 D and 3 d graphics with the help of different software such as Photoshop, Corel draw etc. To understand and to use graphics and software in architectural presentation and design. Inter software exchange of data to achieve best quality of presentation. Factors concerning optimum use of hardware and printing.

Theory Courses

Hss103: English II Language Composition skills
3hours/week. 3.0 credits
Writing skills, grammar review, paragraph writing, and writing essay from paragraph. Specific applications include writing formal letter, resume CV, report, memo, etc. Reading skills include reading for main ideas, using contexts for vocabulary, scanning for details, making inferences. Oral presentations cover oral reports, Interviews and communication over telephone.

Arch 133: Environment and Design I Climate and Design
2 hours/week: 2.0 credits

Study of man environment relationship. Analysis of different climatic forces and their influences on built environments, Factors of comfort. Design criteria for achieving comfort. Study on Energy efficient architecture with special emphasis on principles of thermal design, natural ventilation, recycling of resources and other climatic factors.

Arch 143: History of Architecture Ill Europe
2 hours/week: 2.0 credits

Introduction to arts, ideas and architecture of the European societies beginning from the early Christian era. The change of ideas through the later ages and the subsequent changes In architecture. Developments of architecture in the Byzantine, Romanesque, Medieval, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo periods.

Math 17 3: Calculus and Solid Geometry
2 hours/week: 2.0 credits

Calculus: Definition of limit, continuity and differentiability, successive and partial differentiation, maxima and minima. integration by parts, standard integrals, definite integrals. Area under a plane curve in Cartesian co ordinates. Solid Geometry: system of co ordinates, distance between two points. Section formulae. Direction cosines. Equations of planes and straight lines, Shortest distance between two given straight lines. Standard equations of sphere and ellipsoid, Tangent planes.

Arch 103: Art Appreciation
I2 hours/week: 2.0 credits

The concept of Art. Art as an expression of the material culture. People and Art. The early developments of art and its purpose. Understanding the evolution of Art through the ages with special references to the stylistic movements in the field of Art. Critical analysis of individual art work. Criticism of art in a particular context. Methodology of artistic criticism.

Arch 193: Music Appreciation
2 hours/week: 2.0 credits

Music and its form. Ordering principles of music. The concept of musical order in India and the West. The system of raga vs. western classical music. Understanding of Music composition with reference to their background and their composers. Relationship between music and architecture. Methodology of musical criticism.

Second Year first Semester

Studio/ Sessional courses

Arch 202: Design Studio III
9 hours/week: 6.0 credits

introduction of man in the Form Space relationship. Study of ergonomics. Understanding the human perception of space and built form with emphasis on the study of scale, proportion, color, texture etc. through design of simple functional spaces.

Arch 212: Graphic Art
2hours/week. 1.0 credit

Introduction to the basics of graphic art. Elements of graphic art. Typography. Techniques of composition and reproduction using different presentation media. Use of computer in graphic design.

Arch 222: Photography
2 hours/ week 1.0 credit

Principles of photographic compositions. Understanding the basic techniques of photography such as exposure, depth of field, control of light etc.
Introduction to Architectural photography, documentation and preparation of portfolio.

Theory Courses

Arch 231: Environment and Design 11 Visual and Sonic Environment
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

Understanding the importance of visual and sonic environment perception. The physical nature of light and its relationship with the built environment. Factors of daylight and its prediction technique. Supplementary and artificial lighting in architecture. Day light and human responses. introduction to architectural acoustics, properties of sound, the fundamentals of sound perception, generation and propagation. Behavior of sound in enclosed spaces. Principles of acoustics design of rooms of speech, music and multi purpose use. The concept of noise control, criteria for noise control design and acoustical measurements.

Arch 241 : History of Architecture III Indian Buddhist and Hindu Periods
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

Introduction to the development of Architecture in the Indian subcontinent beginning from the Indus valley civilization. The changes in the Buddhist and Hindu era through the ages With emphasis on their architectural developments. Understanding the context and links.

Arch 261: Building and Finish Materials
2hours/week: 2.0 credits

Introduction to materials available to the local building industry and their classification. Aspects and properties of different building and finish material. Techniques of use of different materials and their details. The quality of construction and finishes. Problems and solutions for new materials and experiments, case study.

Arch 271: Basic Planning
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

Understanding the basic concept of planning as a design tool. Origin and evolution of settlements and cities. Cities in the ancient, classical, medieval, neo classical and modern era. Industrial revolution and changes in the character of cities. New thoughts and ideas in planning after the industrial revolution. The spatial theory of size, spacing and distribution of central places. Rank size rule.

Cee 281: Structure I Mechanics
2hours/week: 2.0 credits

Introduction to analytic mechanics, Understanding Force, Its components and resultants, coplanar and concurrent force system, statically determinate and indeterminate structure, force equilibrium, centroid, moment of inertia of areas, simple truss, flexible chords.

Hss 201: Environmental Psychology
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

Introduction to psychology and its relevance in architectural studies. Scope of psychology in behavioral and environmental studies. Learning, Motivation, Sensation and Perception. Social influence on behavior. Conflict and adjustment.

Hss 291: Economics and Development
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

Principals of economics. The theory of consumer behavior. Nature of an economic theory. Economic theories and problems of developing countries. Marginal analysis. Optimization. Production function. Rational region of production of an architectural firm. The short run and the long run. Fixed cost and variable cost internal and external economics and diseconomies. Macro economics: savings, investment. National income analysis. Inflation. Monetary, fiscal and trade policies and planning with reference to Bangladesh.

Second Year Second Semester

Studio / Sessional courses

Arch 204: Design Studio IV
9hour/week: 6.0 credits

Introduction to multiple space design in single use structure. Handling the Interrelationship among functions, forms and spaces. Indoor outdoor relationship. Analysis of site. Forces and circulation pattern. Dealing overlapping and conflicting factors. Field and literature survey and information processing. Conscious application of design theories.

Arch 214: Art and Sculpture
3hours/week: 1.5 credits

Introduction to artistic and architectonic volumes. Understanding their multi dimensional aspects with special focus on handling of different materials. Brief Introduction to contemporary trends in sculpture. Sculpture and public spaces.

Arch 224: Computer Aided Design and Drafting
3 hours/ week: 1.5 credits
(Prerequisite Arch 122)

Basic two dimensional drawings and three dimensional modeling using CAD software. Understanding the efficiency of the software as a complete design and drafting tool. Production of scaled drawings and architectural presentations.

Theory Courses

Arch 243: History of Architecture IV Indian
Muslim Period 2hour/week: 2.0 credits

Early Muslim Invasion in the Indian subcontinent and the Impact of subsequent socio-economic changes in the field of architecture. Understanding the cross cultural influences and the change in the building technology. Development in the Sultanate and Mughal period.

Arch 253: Development of Ideas
2hour/week: 2.0 credits

Understanding the complexities of Idea formation. Development of ideas through study of the precedence. Movements In architecture. Basic theories of architecture related to use of points, line, plane, form, volume and space. Overview of theories and application of architectural proportion, scale and composition. Principles of spatial and formal organization. The source generation and transformation of architectural elements. Forms and spaces. Self management of the development of ideas. Conscious Interventions.

Arch 263: Construction Methods and Details
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

Learning to analyze construction from an architect's point of view. Understanding the concepts of different structural system. Types of structure and their methods and techniques of construction. Foundation, floor, wall and roof systems. Use of different types of modules. Moisture and thermal protection of floor, wall and roof. Doors and windows. Details of kitchen, bathroom and stair. Elevators and escalators. Aspects of detailing. Detail and creativity.

Cee283: Structure 11 Basic Mechanics of Solids
2hours/week: 2.0 credits

Shear force and bending moment diagrams of statically determinate structures, Introduction to stress and strain, stresses and strain in members subjected to tension, compression, shear and temperature changes, welded and riveted joints, mechanical properties of materials Fundamental concepts of stress and strain, mechanical properties of materials, stresses and strains In members subjected to tension, compression, shear and temperature changes, joints: welded and riveted, shear force and bending moment diagrams for statically determinate beams and frames.

Optional Courses Set 03

Arch233: Design in the Tropical Area
2hours/week: 2.0 credits

Critical analysis of the regional factors. Study of the relationships between architecture and the climatic characteristics of tropical regions. Investigation of the problem and understanding the mechanism of air and moisture movement, surface condensation rain penetration etc. Means of wetness control and passive cooling in buildings. Comparison of alternative solutions and understanding the secondary Implications of environmental control decisions.

Arch 293: Ecology
2hours/week: 2.0 credits

Basic ecological aspects and their relationship with the built environment and other human interventions.

Third Year First Semester

Studio / Sessional courses

Arch 302: Design studio V
12hours/week. 8.0 credits

Incorporation of structural systems within the spatial framework. Exploring the detailed characteristics of different kind of structural systems, such as post lintel, post slab, wall slab etc. Understanding the problems of dealing with multiple functions with emphasis on form space relationship. Ideas in architecture tracking the contemporary trends.

Arch 312: Working Drawing I Construction Drawing
3 hours/ week: 1.5 credits

Understanding the importance of construction drawings in the design and the construction process. Exploring the advantage and limitations of drawings as tool of conveying information. Working drawing exercise of plans, elevations and sections with necessary details of kitchen, stair, toilet etc. Detail and shop drawings. Material specific directive for construction.

Arch 322: Cost estimation
2hours/week: 1.0 credits

Understanding estimation. Cost analysis of the various items of construction, determination of cost of construction. Balance between cost and quality, Preparation of tender documents, rules, regulations and obligations. Preparation of schedules, control of cost, case studies.

Theory Courses

Arch 341: History of Architecture V Modern
2hours/week: 3.0 credits

Industrial revolution and the subsequent change in the social order and in architecture. Development of new materials and techniques. The search for the stylistic expression and the resultant developments of different trends in the 19" and the 2Oth century. Change In the philosophy of architectural education and its impact. Modernism and the modern masters.

Mech 361: Building Services I Mechanical
2hours/week: 2.0 credits

Mechanical: Review of basic concepts and definitions. Different aspects of air conditioning psychometric chart, Calculation of cooling load, air conditioning systems, air handling and distribution, design of ducts. Air conditioning equipment. Fire hazards, fire fighting methods. Vertical transportation, types of elevators, determination of size and quantity of elevators. Handling of traffic. Escalators and moving ramps.

Cee 381: Structure III Mechanics of Solids
2 hours/ week 2.0 credits
(Prerequisite CEE 283)

Analysis of flexural and shearing stresses in beams, principal stresses, direct integration and area moment methods for finding slopes and deflections in statically determinate beams. Indeterminate beam analysis, buckling of columns.

Arch 371 : Theory and Practice of Planning
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

Understanding planning as a basic tool of organization. Meaning of planning and Its scope. Different planning approaches. Planning theories. Planning process traditional vs. modern planning. Multi disciplinary nature of planning. Systems approach, decision theory and conflict management. Advocacy and corporate planning. Planning and public policies. Planning decisions and applications in the Dhaka city master plans.

Arch 363: Building Technology
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

Understanding the importance of technical aspects of architectural design. Construction techniques of different spatial and structural volumes dome, vault, shell etc. Techniques of rapid construction prefabrication and modular technology. Getting acquainted with the recent experiments on new materials and construction technology in Bangladesh and abroad.

Third Year Second Semester

Studio / Sessional courses

Arch 304: Design Studio VI
12 hours/ week: 8.0 credits

Complex building problems with public functions. Dealing with increased scale, technicalities of structures and building services emphasizing innovative ideas Incorporating formal and functional expressions.

Arch 314: Working Drawing 11 Production Drawing
3hours/week: 1.5 credits

Introduction to the system of referencing in the working drawings. Getting familiar with working drawing symbols and conventions, building and safety codes. Preparation of complete working drawing documents of a recent studio project of the student.

Arch 324: Materials and Construction Workshop
3 hours/ week: 1.5 credits
(Prerequisite Arch 161 & 263)

Practical class, shop drawing preparation, construction site visit. Lectures and demonstrations on soil test, foundation, brick work, paint, carpentry and electrical matters etc.

Theory Courses

Arch343: History of Architecture contemporary
2hours/week: 2.0 credits

issues of complexity and contradiction in the contemporary architecture. The multivalence of contemporary society and its Influence on architecture. The issues of meaning in architecture beyond modernism. The impact of information technology on the contemporary ideas and architecture. Architecture after the masters.

Arch 353: Urban Design I Space and form
2 hours / week: 2.0 credits

Understanding the essence of urbanism. Historical development of urban spaces, The physical urban fabric and its constituents. Meaning and the perceptual aspects of urban form In time space relationship. The techniques and principles of urban design. Urban design definition and aim. Urban Design as an analytical tool different approaches.

Cee383: StructureIV Steel and Timber Structure
2hours/week: 2.0 credits

Different types of trusses, analysis of trusses for wind and static load, design of truss sections, introduction to allowable stresses, design of steel columns, beams and timber structures.

Cee 365: Building Services Plumbing and Electrical
2hours /week: 2.0 credits

Plumbing: Viewing plumbing aspects from an architect's point of view. Understanding the plumbing layout and its relationship with the built form. Different technical aspects of plumbing water supply, drainage, sewage and load analysis. Plumbing in high rise buildings.

Electrical: Introduction to electrical design. Getting acquainted with problems of power supply in large scale buildings. Presentation of electrical drawings. Electrical units and standards, electrical networks and circuit theorems. Alternating current, RLC series and parallel circuits, introduction to electrical wiring for residential, commercial and industrial installations and buildings. Illumination and different types of lighting.

Arch 303: Interior Design
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

Definition of Interior Design. Difference between Interior Design and Interior Decoration. Elements of Interior Design. Principles of Interior Design. Area of specialization for interior design. Properties and categories of color. Use of color scheme. Factors influencing color scheme. Way of securing light in Interior. Lighting design. Internal structure wall ceiling and stair. Internal finishing and soft furnishing. Different types of furniture and joints wood to wood, wood to metal, metal to metal). Interior scaping.

Arch 393: Building Types
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

Understanding the importance and purpose of classifying buildings by types. Study of different aspects of various building types and their unique characteristics. Functional technical and morphological characteristics of different building types.

Fourth Year First Sernester

Studio/ Sessional courses

Arch 402: Design Studio VII
15hours/week: 10.0 credits

Placing architecture in the social context. Comprehending the complex socioeconomic and cultural forces and their architectural manifestations. Architecture of spiritual and emotional content. Introduction to the urban issues and scale. Accommodating details, materials and practicality.

Arch422: Interior Design sessional
3hours/week: 1.5 credits

Acquaintance with interior materials. Preparation of design and installation drawings for interior. Furniture layouts and total interior design for different types of interior spaces as bank, studio, restaurant, shopping mall etc. Detail design and drawing for kitchen and toilet. Detailed drawings for suspended ceiling, partition dry wall, artificial lighting. Furniture design and details of furniture joints. Selection and placement of indoor plants in different interiors. Study of different practical interior projects and their construction process.

Theory Courses

Arch441: Architecture and Society of Bengal
2hours/week: 2.0 credits

Learning to infer. Explore the available text and architectural remains of Bengal. The cultural history of human development In different areas of this region as depicted in architecture. Vernacular architecture and social interaction. The evolution of society power structure architecture'. The influence of the various art and cultural movements.

Arch 451 : Landscape Design
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

Learning to understand the scope, scale and details of landscape design as compared to architecture. Principles of landscape design. Historical references. Environmental Issues and landscape design. Elements of landscape design. Site survey and its development. Organization of various outdoor spaces their positioning and hierarchy. Circulation and linkages among outdoor spaces. Planning and gardening. Addressing the different technical aspects in landscape design.

Cee 481 : Structure V Reinforced Concrete Structure
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

Observing structure from an architect's viewpoint, Introduction to reinforced concrete design: working stress design method, analysis of reinforced beams by WSD; design of one way and two way slabs. Flat slabs, flat plates, waffle slabs, ribbed slabs, Introduction to ultimate strength design (USD).

Arch 401 : Architectural Conservation
2hours/week: 2.0 credits

Importance of conservation in the long term formation of cultural context. Meaning, nature and scope of conservation. Conservation principles and guidelines. Preservation, restoration, renovation, reconstruction, revitalization and area conservation. History of conservation. Conservation laws and practices. Issues of conservation, legislation, finance, regulating bodies, the role of government and public. Techniques of measured drawing and field survey.

Arch 491 : Urban Design 11 Analysis and Application
2 hours / week. 2.0 credits

The contemporary complexity and contradictions of urban design. Urban design as a process. Responsive environment its permeability, variety, legibility, appropriateness, richness and personalization. Image and form of a city and normative theories. Theories of good city form. Urban growth, textures and networks. City models and city design. Urban quality of life.

Fourth Year Second Semester

Studio / Sessional courses

Arch404: Design Studio VIII
15hours/week: 10.0 credits

Dealing with large scale master plan oriented problems. Investigating the multiplicity of contemporary urban issues like housing, rehabilitation, urban renewal, urban infill etc. Understanding the tools and techniques of conservation.

Arch 424: Landscape Design
3hours/week:1.5 credits

Field level study and analysis of landscape elements. Analysis of site and environment. Study on the technical aspect of landscape design. Exercises following the principles of landscape design to the extent of working details.

Theory Courses

Arch463: Survey Techniques and Analytical Methods
2hours/week: 2.0 credits

The Importance of precision survey techniques from an architect's point of view. Surveying principles. Physical surveys Chain survey, traverse survey, plane table survey, levels and leveling, contours and layout surveys. Social Survey and its types. Design and plan of research objective goal, variables and universal, selection of methods. Design of questionnaire, pretest and pilot survey. Collection of data and data processing.

Arch 473: Human Settlement
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

The essence of dwelling as a basic architectural concept. An overview on traditional dwelling and existing situation in the country putting emphasis on the urban areas. introduction of major policies, reforms, legislation and movements in the housing and settlement sector. Observing the present scenario of Dhaka and different constraints regarding Housing issues. Examines mass housing problems throughout the ages with emphasis on housing for low and middle income groups. Housing design issues both social as well as technological. Standards for different contemporary concepts , standards as well as technology that are already practiced around worldwide and their scope In our context.,

Cee 483 : Structure Vl Elements of Building Structure
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

Different aspects of architectural engineering, preliminary 'analysis of column sections in multistoried buildings, reinforced concrete columns stocky and long, approximate analysis of multistoried buildings for gravity and lateral loads. Grids, approximate analysis. Preliminary design of shear walls, introduction and preliminary design of domes, arches and shells, Vierendeel trusses, folded plates. Classification of shells. introduction, analysis and preliminary design of prestressed beam sections.

Arch 403: Urban Anthropology
2hours/week: 2.0 credits

The relevance of anthropology in architectural discipline. Social anthropology its origin and development. Ethnography and ethnology. Tools of anthropological research and their applications in architectural studies and analysis. Interaction between people and the built environment. Impact of social stratification and its plurality on architecture.

Arch 471 : Rural Planning
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits

organized rural development as an important national factor. Meaning of development. Characteristics of rural settlements. Nature and scope of integrated rural development. issues in rural development: population, urbanization and migration, human resource development. Planning policies and strategies for rural development and their implementation.

Fifth Year First Semester

Studio/ sessional courses

Arch 502: Design Studio IX
15hours/week: 12.0 credits

introducing professional issues in architecture. Learning to take independent decisions based on real life situation. Probing on design problems within specific realistic settings and context. Carrying out the design process as a whole beginning from the feasibility of project to the extent of preparation of construction documents.

Arch 512: Seminar I Preparation
3hours/week: 1.5 credits

Developing the skill of selecting relevant and vital topics of investigation in the current field of architecture. Working out a research paper with the help of literature, field survey and other sources. Development of writing skills and referencing. Learning the oral and written presentation techniques.

Theory Courses

Arch 561 : Specifications and Codes
2hours/week: 2.0 credits

System of preparing database of sources. Making systematic comparisons. Written details answering what, where, when, how in relation to drawn details for building construction. Specifying materials and methods of installation and precautions.

Hss 571 : Construction Management
2hours/week: 2.0 credits

Management: its meaning, scope and objectives. Functions and nature of management. Importance and scope of management in the construction Industry. Planning: objectives and types of plans, limits of planning, logistics and strategy. Organizing: grouping of activities, delegation of authority and decentralization. Organization, committee, span of supervision. Direction: motivation and coordination. Controlling: steps in control, requirements. Analytical tools and techniques in construction management.

Arch 503: Bio Climatic Design
2hours/week: 2.0 credits
(Prerequisite Arch 133)

Introduction to principles of the philosophies of climatically conscious design. Use of plantations and shading. Orientation and sun path analysis. Using natural resources for ventilation and lighting in an energy conscious way. Designing for environment.

Arch 533: Environment and Design IV Environment Responsive Design
2 hours/ week: 2.0 credits
(Prerequisite Arch 133)

Introduction to the environmental issues. Architecture and environment. Historical references. Biosphere and ecosystem. Environmental Impact assessment (EIA). Comprehending the relationship of building with immediate and distant surroundings.

Fifth Year Second Semester

Studio / Sessional courses

Arch504: Design Studio X Thesis
15hours/week: 12.0 credits

The final project required for completion of the B. Arch. program of study. Culmination of every factors learned within the five year span. Selection and execution of the project will be Individual. Projects (realistic/ hypothetical/ idea) with adequate significance would be considered. Concentration would be on complete design solution having keen investigative understanding of the design problem within the contextual framework of each individual project. The professional level of attainment will be the goal.

Arch 524: Dissertation
4hours/week: 2.0 credits

Supporting documentation and analysis in report form for Arch. 504: Design studio X [thesis] revealing the student's study and research within the relevant field of study. Case study and analysis. The report would reflect the whole of the design process, formulation of design concept and execution.

Arch 512: Seminar 11 Presentation
3 hours/ week: 1.5 credits

Continuation and further development of Seminar one. Final presentation of the preparation taken in the previous semester.

Theory Courses

Arch 553: Professional Practice
2 hours/ week. 2.0 credits

Architecture as a profession. The relationship between the architect and the client, government agencies and other construction professionals and consultants' The position and role of the architect duties, responsibilities and obligations. Details of contracts. Commissioning of jobs. The range of services. Professional ethics. The managerial and administrative aspects of construction. The legal framework. The architect as a member of larger community. Communication and correspondence.

HSS573: Principles of Accounting
2hours/week: 2.Ocredits

Principles and scope of accounting. Basic definitions. The accounting procedure. Detail study of cost: general, objectives and classification. Overhead costing. Cost sheet under job costing, operating costing and process costing. Marginal, costing: tools and techniques, cost volume profit analysis. Relevant costing. Profitability. Planning and budgeting.

Arch600: Internship Professional Training
12week: non credit course

This course is compulsory but carries no credit. Students have to work in an architectural firm for a period of twelve weeks anytime after the sixth term. Emphasis is on working drawing, site supervision and meeting of deadlines.

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Fri Oct 06 2006, 03:27pm
Main Admin Registered Member #1 Joined: Sun Jul 31 2005, 06:24am
: virtual architecture ..!
Posts: 172
It's simply wow! I think i'm going to make a pdf e-book for the download or digital library section of this syllebus and the details you have composed.
Great work Tuni, Congrats.
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Fri Oct 06 2006, 03:52pm
thax bhaiya
doa koren jeno shobar jonno kaj kore jete pari
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Fri Apr 01 2011, 08:00am
Registered Member #19 Joined: Sun Oct 23 2005, 06:37am
: Dhaka-1217
Posts: 109
Wow! TUni,, great job!! i must admit.. thanks on behalf of everyone
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Tue Apr 05 2011, 08:53am
my pleasure!!
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Sun Jan 30 2022, 04:38am
Registered Member #17236 Joined: Sat Jan 29 2022, 02:15pm
: davao
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glad i found this site!

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Mon Jan 31 2022, 09:01am
Registered Member #17235 Joined: Sat Jan 29 2022, 10:34am
: Bethany delaware
Posts: 0
Well-explained! many thanks!
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Sun Apr 24 2022, 07:50am
Registered Member #18025 Joined: Sun Apr 24 2022, 05:31am
: sydney australia
Posts: 0
Great site i love it keep posting more!
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